Wednesday, October 16, 2013

God trembles with our tears...

"God beyond our words, all creation tells your story; you have shaken with our laughter, you have trembled with our tears..."
Bernadette Farrell, "God Beyond All Names"
We had this beautiful song as an opening for our meeting at the Motherhouse, so it was on the playlist in my head.  Good thing, because I needed it yesterday.  I was driving down 17th and a woman was frantically trying to stop traffic.  Nearly impossible task, that.  The car in front of me stopped and, as she and a child crossed, I glanced over to why they were trying to get across the street.  In the street a small dog lay motionless.  I put my hand over my mouth and just prayed.  The sad picture brought back a most- terrible day in my childhood when our dog was hit by a car of a busy street.  I begged St. Francis to care for the dear little critter.  And I asked God to care for the people there; the woman and her child, the people gathered who were helping.  Thanks to this song, I realized that God was sad too. This was just one of a million things that hour that broke God's heart.  Our God is infinitely compassionate to us and all that wounds us.  God trembles with our tears.  Amen.  Love, heidi

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