Thursday, February 7, 2013

Love can do it...

"Certainly (doing the will of God) is hard. But love, if perfect, is strong enough to do it."
St. Teresa of Avila, "Let Nothing Disturb You"

As we grow and mature in faith, and life really, we learn that doing the hard stuff is growth-producing. Taking the easy way may be easy, but there may be less gained from the easy path. The harder path, the path that challenges us and makes us work a bit harder, offers more to us in the long run. Putting ourselves out there for all to see and stepping out of our comfort zone may be difficult, but can be so worthwhile! We need to remember that God, who is Love, will help us every step of the way in doing his will. This evening begins our women's Cursillo, here in Idaho Falls. For some, this represents taking a harder step, for both the candidates and team. But, certainly, God will be with us all, taking us by the hand into his will. Please pray for all involved! De Colores! I will be back next week. Love, heidi

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Try a little tenderness...

"Our way of being in the world is the way of tenderness."
Brennan Manning, "Reflections for Ragamuffins"

This is so rich and wonderful today, Friends. We tend to be so hard on others as well as ourselves. Why do we expect others to be perfect and sinless? Why do we expect that we, ourselves, are without blame? There is enough finger-pointing to go around the world a dozen times, but the real need is for compassion and tenderness. What if we respond to everything in our day with compassion and tenderness? Would the world be a better place? Today, let's make every effort to meet the circumstances and events of our day with tenderness. Let's swallow that lump of whatever-makes-us-angry and react with kindness. Each person is made in the image and likeness of God--including us! Let us treat each other, and ourselves, as such. Love, heidi

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ordinary? No!

"Just because a thing is ordinary does not make it useless. It may simply make it obscure."
Sr. Joan Chittister, "The Psalms"

I remember my mom's good friend, Tatty, who made the best pie crust in the whole world. This is an indisputable really was the best. I asked her one time, what is the secret to making the best pie crust in the world and she pulled out an old, funny-looking measuring spoon. "This is the key," she said. "Without this little spoon I couldn't begin to make a pie crust." The funny little spoon was the key to the fabulous pie crust? Apparently so. We are surrounded by the ordinary little things of our lives everyday. Every once in a while, that which is ordinary shows its true worth. The little measuring spoon proves that it is the secret to the perfect pie crust. That which may seem ordinary proves it is extraordinary! It is the same with people, too, my Friends. We may all appear to be ordinary, but within each person is the seed of the extraordinary. The glimmer of Christ, nurtured within, makes each of us--ordinary as we seem--extraordinary. Today, let's look around our lives for the ordinary-turned-extraordinary. Are there items you could not get through your day without? More importantly, look for the people in your life who help you get through your day. See how extraordinary they all are! Love, heidi

Monday, February 4, 2013

Show the love!

"Love for God can never be concealed. When you love God deeply it will be plainly evident in many ways, for a large fire throws a bright and clear flame."
St. Teresa of Avila, "Let Nothing Disturb You"

Jesus showed us exactly how to translate love into action by caring for others, healing them, feeding them. The massive love God had is manifested through the loving kindness and compassion of Jesus. I often wonder about the early Christian desert fathers and mothers, because, in their austere and hermit-like lives, how was the love of God manifested to the people? They were notable for their love for God, but how did that help anyone else if they were off in the desert alone? Jesus had his alone-time, too and we read about that all through the Gospels. But Jesus moved through the people, touched the people, allowed them to touch the hem of his cloak, and healed them tenderly and lovingly. It may be much easier to be a well-behaved hermit than to be around people all day and kindly love them! Today, let's think about how our actions through the day manifest our love for God. Our love is genuine and heart-felt, and that must never be concealed! Make sure all we encounter today feel it! Love, heidi