"Relieve those burdened by old worries, stored grievances, or recurring fears...Uphold us, O God."
Give Us This Day...
This was one of the Morning prayer intentions for today in "Give Us This Day," and I sure identified with it! It seems that, day after day, year after year, I have the same old "stuff" to deal with. The old worries, stored grievances, recurring fears...it's like the author of this intention could read my mind! Same old stuff; same old sins, same old triggers, same old, same old. I want to break this cycle and maybe get some new concerns...like maybe more concern for the poor, for the immigrant, the people who don't feel they belong. In today's Gospel, the "sinful woman" broke her alabaster jar and anointed Jesus' feet, much to the ire of the host and religious leaders. She was a fringe person, who was seen as someone who didn't belong at this party. She was an intruder, and was looked down upon by everyone except Jesus. Jesus saw her, loved her, forgave her, and held her up as an example to all. O Jesus, help me to get out of all my old stuff and take up new concerns--like people on the fringe of life. Help me to see them as you saw the Woman who washed your feet with her tears and dried them with her hair--with love. Love, heidi