"You will grieve, but your grief will become joy."
John 16:20
None of us wants to go through grief. We want to avoid suffering, of course. But, our experience of grief cannot be hurried through or glossed over. We humans suffer loss and grieve the loss--it's how we are wired and Our Creator wired us that way. Jesus, who took on our human skin, grieved the loss of his friend, Lazarus, and also was swept up in the grief of many of his day. He healed and comforted many who grieved loss and suffered illness as he traveled his journey. But, somehow, miraculously, the grief moves through us and gives way to joy. It is sometimes so subtle that we may not even realize it as we go through it, but we notice it looking back. The lifting up our shoulders, the brightness in our eyes, returns. We feel joy again. Sr. Joyce Rupp says we need patience and faith in God's strength in helping us move through the grief to new life in joy (Living Faith).Today, as we relish a beautiful spring Friday, let us thank God for giving us the gift of moving from grief to joy. I am very blessed to be spending Mother's Day weekend in a silent retreat, learning about Our Lady of Guadalupe! Blessings on all mothers this weekend! Love, heidi