"Jesus said to her, 'Mary!' She turned and said to him, 'Rabbouni.' which means Teacher..."
John 20:16
What can we, twenty-first century dwellers, learn from first century Mary Magdalene, on her feast day? Well, first, we can follow her example of devotion to Jesus. She and a handful of women were there, at the foot of Jesus' cross, long after all but one of the fellows had fled. Her devotion to Jesus didn't end there, either, as she went to the tomb early in the morning, with the plan of anointing Jesus' body. Not even his death could keep her from loving him. We can learn to open our eyes and look for Jesus in the most unusual places, too. At first Mary didn't recognize Jesus there in the garden, but she was open to hearing him call her by name, "Mary!" We can listen, too, for the voice of Jesus in all the people we encounter today. And finally, she wasn't afraid to proclaim Jesus risen and alive to a doubting world. She had courage to exclaim the seemingly impossible...Jesus is alive and risen! Mary teaches us devotion to Jesus, keeping our eyes open to seeing Jesus, and proclaiming Jesus to a waiting world. Let's get out there and do it today! Love, heidi