"(Jesus) said, 'But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...'"
Matthew 5:44
I'm still basking in the glow and peace of the Hermitage, so this doesn't exactly hit home with me today. After four days in the presence of just Jesus, I'm more apt to respond, "Enemies? What are enemies?" I really don't think I have enemies, but people can sure get my goat at times. There's the guy, yesterday, with the Colorado plates who wouldn't move over and let me on the "on" ramp, for one. But is he an enemy? Just like the scripture of the Good Samaritan when the question is asked, "Who is our neighbor?" I kinda wonder who my enemy is? On Pray-As-You-Go this morning, they posed the question that, maybe, our own worst enemy is ourselves. We can be hard on ourselves, at times. But, no matter. Jesus tells us to love and pray for our enemies, whoever they may be. And, a bit later, to be perfect, as our Father is perfect (v. 48) Tall orders, both, this Tuesday morning! The only way we can even approach these is to ask God for a heart full of love as we begin our day. Love, heidi