"God initiates the conversation; we fear; God reassures us and tells us what will be required; we doubt; God points us to past experiences and helps us to trust; we say yes; and finally we are able to bring into the world, with God's grace, something new...Then the angel left her."
Fr. James Martin, "Jesus: A Pilgrimage"
During this chapter on the Annunciation, Fr. Martin shows us how Mary's journey with God is so similar to our own. Certainly, Mary's experience with the angel in Luke 1:26-38 is quite a bit more astounding than our spiritual experiences, but, ultimately, we are all called by God to do things outside ourselves that we can only do with God's grace. God asks that of all of us. And we hem and haw and question our abilities and God's wisdom in choosing us. Finally, though, God may convince us and we say Yes, just as Mary did. And then, the angel leaves us and there we are...with a job to do. It all comes to our trusting God. Mary trusted God infinitely; especially from the Annunciation to the Resurrection, Mary had to trust in God. As we celebrate Mary today, let's realize that we are called to have that same trust. Love, heidi