"She replied and said to him, 'Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children's scraps.'"
Mark 7:28
Today, on "Pray-as-You-Go," which originates in the UK, asked, "Does this woman seem a bit cheeky while addressing Jesus?" I had to laugh out loud. Yes, just a bit...cheeky. But, in thinking about my own relationship with Jesus, there are surely times I'm a bit cheeky as well. (I may just type in a British accent all day, so bear with me). I really try to behave myself while around others, but I can get in my car and just rant and rave and let it all out. And who am I ranting to? Well, thankfully, no one else is the recipient! What happens is, I don't feel pent-up or repress my feelings, I just complain to the One who can take it. And it leads me to treat others better. Jesus, you want us to be in relationship with you...we can tell you anything and everything and you support and love us, all the same. I'm sorry for the times I'm a bit cheeky and seem ungrateful for all the many gifts of my life. You told us to pray "all ways," and my crabby rants are sometimes the prayers on my heart. Thank you for encouraging me to be me, when I'm with you, even if I'm a bit cheeky...Love, heidi