Thursday, February 13, 2020

Cheeky to humble...

"She replied and said to him, 'Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children's scraps.'"
Mark 7:28

I love it when this reading is used on Pray-As-You-Go, because they always describe the woman as "cheeky" in her comments to Jesus. Jesus had told her the children of Israel must be fed first, after she asked for a healing for her daughter. Cheeky response. I love it. Have we ever been cheeky in our prayers? I've been reading an old journal from a couple of years ago and yes, I can honestly say, some of the stuff I write is cheeky. Seriously, God? A damaging hailstorm right before I close on the sale of my house? Is that the best you can do? I won't even share what I wrote November 9, isn't fit to print, but yes, it was a bit cheeky. I really don't think God minds our cheeky prayers, because that means we are comfortable communicating with God. We are in relationship with God and if that means we're cheeky, God's OK with that. I also read back how I was so concerned with what would happen to my dog, Tebow, with the move to Boise. How would he do? How would I find a place to rent that would take him? How would that all work out? As I see the pieces of that puzzle and how they fit into place I can only marvel at the gifts of the situation. I can be cheeky in my prayers, but I can also be humble and awestruck when I recognize God's gifts. So I run the gamut of cheeky to humble, questioning to praising. Quaking to self-assured (wait! that hasn't come yet!) And all of it points to my being in a deep, rich relationship with God. And that's fabulous. Love, heidi