Friday, May 15, 2015

Worth every wince...

"When a woman is in labor, she is in anguish because her hour has arrived; but when she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the pain because of her joy that a child has been born into the world."
John 16:21
I think being a mother is the most worthwhile thing I have ever done. It towers over any other accomplishments, easily. I look at the adults our kids have become and I am truly in awe.  Not just because of what they do or have done, but because of who they are. They are good people. They come from good, hardworking folks--their grandparents and great-grandparents, and they are good folks too.  And that is a tremendous blessing from God. Jesus is right in this Gospel-- the wee bit of pain of motherhood is worth every wince when I see the lovely kids God gave to us.  Lord, help me to realize that every difficulty and trial can be worth it as you walk with me, by my side.  You make every single event of my life meaningful, no matter how things may work out, just by your presence with me.  Love, heidi

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Love others...all of them

"This I command you: love one another."
John 15:17
We've heard this so many times and try to incorporate it into our lives, but what if there are just people that drive us crazy and that is that.  How are we to love them?  I was thinking about this as I read this Gospel.  Jesus didn't just suggest that we love others...he commands it, so it really is worth praying about.  It may be helpful to try to recognize and appreciate all that is good in another person.  They may bug you in certain circumstances, but they must have gifts that shine forth in other circumstances.  A coworker may be difficult in the workplace, but can you appreciate that he or she may be a wonderful, loving parent? Can we look closely and try to see things from another's point of view? Can we look at a situation through the eyes of another and try to be understanding?  Loving one another may require us to dig a little deeper and put ourselves aside for a bit.  If we can think of each other as a beloved child of God and realize that we have faults and failings, too, it may be easier to love others. And, as difficult as that may be to love everyone, we have a God who helps us do it. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

God is close

"So that people might seek God, even perhaps grope for him and find him, though indeed he is not far."
Acts 17:27
We do, sometimes, make things so much harder than they need to be, don't we? I think it was Richard Rohr who said, "You can stop knocking on the door, you are already inside!" We think we have to work so hard and do so much to find God and earn God's love, when God is already right here, loving us to bits. We just need to believe it, relish it, and share it with others. We need to love God back.  How do we do that? By loving each other. Come to think of it, THAT may be the hard part, if there is one. If we think of each other as all on a journey to God, it may be easier to love each other.  We are all on the journey, groping for God, carrying our unique baggage which can be heavy and cumbersome. Today, let's try to keep it simple.  God loves us mightily.  We show our love for God by helping each other carry our luggage on the journey.  Be kind.  Give others the benefit of the doubt. Recognize that God is close.  And have a great Wednesday! Love, heidi

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Love and joy, intertwined...

"I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy might be complete. This is my commandment: love one another as I love you."
John 15:11-12

We heard a wonderful homily for this Gospel over the weekend and it is still sticking with me.  The priest explained how our joy and our love for others are completely intertwined.  If we feel less joy down deep, maybe we should take a good look at how we are loving others. If we are loving well, that joy is there--down in hearts (where? oh sorry! That was last week). Our joy and how we love others are woven together...beautiful!  He gave us three "challenges" or questions to ask ourselves in prayer (I love lessons in threes!)  First, are we friends with Jesus or does Jesus seem to be a stranger?  Second, how are we on the joy scale? Do we feel joyful? Are we loving others well?  And, finally, my favorite: is there someone God loves that we do not love--yet?  Who challenges us to love?  Who are the "hard ones" we struggle to love in our lives?  God loves them.  Can we?  These are such great questions for us to pray with and really ponder as we embark on another work week.  Blessings, abundant, as we forge ahead!  Love, heidi