"I believe that the desire to please you (God) does, in fact, please you."
Thomas Merton
We had this prayer last night at our first Spiritual Direction class and I woke up this morning comforted by it. The desire to please God is definitely there, but my efforts seem bumbling and clumsy. I talk too much. I can't find the article we are supposed to be discussing. It's certainly been a while since I've prepared for a class! But the desire! My desire is to do it well for God's sake (literally!) In many of our endeavors we may feel we come up short. But our desire is to do it for God and to be doing God's will. And God loves that. Today, we just may need to trust that we are in the right place to do what God wants us to do. And the fact that we are there with eagerness and joy are what makes God the happiest! Blessings on your Thursday! Love, heidi