Friday, February 13, 2015

Be opened!

"Jesus took him off by himself, away from the crowds...then Jesus looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, 'Ephphatha!' (that is, 'Be opened!')"
Mark 7:33-34
Two things jumped out at me when I read this Gospel this morning.  First, the fact that Jesus took the man off alone, away from the crowds.  That certainly is when I can hear Jesus better, too!  When I have a Silent Sunday or am off in the desert, my ears are definitely more tuned in to the Jesus channel.  He comes through loud and clear, the more unplugged I am.  That is when I hear Jesus say to my heart and mind, "Be opened!  Be open to those around you who need you.  Especially those whom you may find difficult--they are the ones who teach you the most!" So, as we celebrate a three-day weekend, today, let's carve out some time and allow Jesus to take us away from the crowds at the mall or wherever.  Let us allow Jesus to open our ears, hearts and minds to what he wants us to hear.  And let's pray for the Men's Cursillo beginning this evening in Idaho Falls!  Love, heidi

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Blessings on your day!

"To bless is not so much to 'make sacred,' however, as it is to acknowledge the sacredness that is already there."
Sr. Joyce Rupp, "The Cup of Our Lives"
Yesterday was such a negative day for me! It was as if there was a little black cloud following me around all day and all I could perceive was the negative side of things.  Reading this today, I wonder if there just wasn't enough blessing in my day? We had a good homily earlier this year in which three different types of blessings were described:
First, God blesses us, second, we praise God, thus blessing God in return, and third, we share God's blessing with others.  All that blessing going around makes for a much more positive day, I bet! Looking back on yesterday, I can easily see that God did God's part by blessing me,  there just wasn't enough of me praising God and sharing God's blessing with others.  Thus: enter little black cloud.  Today, I will look more closely for the rich blessings in the people and events of my day.  I'm not making them blessed, but I will try to recognize how blessed and sacred they already are! Should make for a much better day!  Love, heidi

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The moon and the stars...

"When I behold your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you set in place..."
Psalm 8:4
Thanks be to God I have a dog that drags me out for a walk every night!  We go through the same song and dance every night.  I hem and haw; he drives me nuts. I resist; he continues to drive me nuts. Finally, realizing I will have no peace, I relent.  The minute we are out the door I'm grateful.  Last night the stars were particularly vivid and beautiful.  I was so awed by the glory of God my walk was my favorite prayer of the day.  The Genesis readings, we have this week, remind us of the vastness of God, but also the tenderness and love of God. The next line of this Psalm is, "What are humans that you are mindful of them, mere mortals that you care for them?" (v. 5) And yet, God cares for us infinitely more than the rest of creation;  giving us dominion over the rest of creation. When we look around and really see the glory of creation it is hard to believe we are loved even more.  If there is any way possible for us to get out and enjoy a bit of a winter evening, let's bundle up and get out there.  It's a show much grander than TV, trust me!  And let's imagine the fingers of God putting it all into place. Love, heidi

Monday, February 9, 2015

What needs healing?

"They scurried about the surrounding country and began to bring in the sick on mats to wherever they heard Jesus was..."
Mark 6:55
One of the reflections I read on this Gospel today called for us to think what about us needs Jesus' healing today.  What will we bring to Jesus and ask him to heal?  Do we need a physical healing? Or perhaps a healing of temper, or an old grudge or laziness? Whatever "illness" we bring to Jesus today for healing, we can trust that God hears us.  We may not notice an immediate healing, but it may be more like the slow changing of the autumn leaves.  I feel, for me, I have been attending the "Trusting God" school these last several months.  I've also been trying to listen to the still, small voice of God, which is often hard to make out in the noisy din of my head.  And then, what about when God seems to be saying something mysterious or surprising? What then?  Dearest God, please help me to hear your voice, even amid the crowded voices I hear all day.  Help me to trust you, when it seems as though you aren't saying what I expect you to say.  I believe that you know and want what is best for me to do your will.  Are you there? Are you sure? Please help me to hear and trust you! Love, heidi