Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Let there be peace

  "See that you not be deceived, for many will come in my name, saying, 'I am he,' and, 'the time has come.'"
Luke 21:8

Pray-As-You-Go had such an interesting take on this today and it really got me thinking.  They asked if there was anything in our lives that leads us from being our best self. I always thought of this verse warning us not to follow false leaders or guides and it surely can mean that, too.  But aren't there times when we get caught up in something, a drama or situation, that leads us away from being our best? Maybe we chime in with the negative chorus instead of looking at it a more positive way? I can think of one myself, where the common reaction of others is sort of panicky and anxious.  I thought just one calm, reassuring voice amid the clamber would surely help, but I wasn't hearing it. It dawned on me this morning that maybe I need to be the calm, reassuring voice instead of looking around for one.  Lord, please help me to be the voice of peace I long to hear in the situations of my life.   Help me not to join in the negative chorus but to sing a positive verse, even if it has to be a solo at first.  As we all gather with others this week, let there be peace...and let it begin with us! Happy Thanksgiving and blessings abundant to you all! Love, heidi

Monday, November 23, 2015

Less is more! Really!

"When Jesus looked up he saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins."
Luke 21:1
One of the great lessons the poor teach us is that the less you have, the more grateful you are.  When you have two outfits, each one is special.  When you have twenty, they get lost in the sea of the abundance that is your closet.  Sr. Joan Chittister points this out beautifully in her book, "Uncommon Gratitude."  We, who live in abundance, may wonder how in the world the poor can celebrate the little they have, but it is something we can learn from and shoot for in our lives.  This week, as we celebrate gratitude for our abundance, let's ponder this poor widow and learn from her generosity. Let's think about how less is actually more and how that conundrum looks in our lives.  What can we do or give this week out of our very selves, from our want? Kindness? Mercy? Stuff? When we actually have less, the more grateful we are.  Let's try that on for size this week!  Love, heidi

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Recruiters for the kingdom!

"You say that I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth."
John 18:37

Today is the feast of Christ the King and it really got me thinking what his kingdom looks like.  Jesus' kingdom isn't royal-looking with fancy robes and crowns.  Jesus' kingdom is benevolent; a kingdom of compassion. Jesus sought out the poor and cast-aside. Jesus ministered to the people we hasten our steps to walk past in our day. I think Jesus' kingdom is made up of people helping each other and loving each other like family, especially the hard ones.  It is a kingdom of welcoming the stranger, and being selfless and kind to all. This week of Thanksgiving, let's spend a few moments prayerfully considering what we may be called to do to bring about this kingdom of Jesus.  Let's think of ourselves as recruiters for Jesus' kingdom, going into our gatherings with love. Are there folks we struggle with during these celebrations?  Let's treat them with mercy and kindness.  Is there any way we can share our bounty with others this week?  Let's do it!  This is a great opportunity to go out and show the world, or at least those we encounter, what Jesus' kingdom looks like. Let's get out there and show the world Jesus' kingdom of love!  Love, heidi