Thursday, May 7, 2015

That joy!

"I have told you this so that my joy might be in you and your joy might be complete."
John 15:11
This always reminds me of that old song we used to sing, "I've got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! Where? Down in my heart..."  You may remember it, and if you do, it will be in your head all day! You're welcome...
But what is that joy, exactly?  In thinking about it, it seems like it's a comfort, a reassurance, an inner sense that all is good, really, even if it doesn't seem so on the surface.  Things may be muddled around us, but, ultimately, God loves us and all will be OK, eventually.  We know the Source of comfort and peace and that Source lives deep within us, giving us the glimmer of joy, no matter what.  Let's spend today relishing that joy and even singing this little song, celebrating that joy, joy, joy, joy...where?  Down in my heart! Love, heidi
PS, I will be away a few days, Friends.  Enjoy your weekend and Happy Mom's Day to all moms!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Bear fruit!

"By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples."
John 15:8
As I was thinking about this Gospel this morning, I was pondering what, exactly, the "fruit" is that glorifies God. I believe the fruit we bear goes far beyond any children we may have or success we may achieve in our lives.  The fruit we bear is as simple as a laugh or warm smile we share with someone.  Or holding the door for a stranger or telling them, "Good Morning!" Bearing fruit includes sharing what we have with others, be it clothes from our closet or an idea that pops into our head.  Any helpful act or idea, smile or kind word can be fruitful and give glory to God.  Jesus tells us that any kindness we do for another we are really doing for him.  We may never know the positive fruit our small action bears, but we can rest assure that whatever we do in kindness and love for another gives glory to God.  So, let's get out there and love each other, this windy Wednesday!  Love, heidi

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

An amazing peace!

"Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."
John 14:27
That seems to be a tall order-especially in this day and age. When Jesus says this to his disciples and ultimately, to us, does he know all the troubles of our lives two thousand years later? I believe he does. And that why he says it. So what can we take away from this reading, especially including the first part of the verse, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." What does this mean for us on our 21st century Tuesday?  I believe it means that God is working within us, constantly, giving us all we need to live and love in our world today. When we are challenged by difficult situations or circumstances, Jesus breathes his peace into us, giving us a calm sense of well-being. "I can do this...this will work out. I will be OK." It gives us the reassurance that God is continuously working in the situation to bring about good...good for all. I believe it means that, even when things are clambering around us, feeling overwhelmingly difficult, we can stop, take a deep breath and breathe in the peace the world cannot give.  And that is some fabulous kind of peace.  Love, heidi

Monday, May 4, 2015

Connected to the Vine and each other...

"I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit."
John 15:5
We had a wonderful homily on this yesterday that I am still processing today.  The part of it that really struck me is our connectedness to each other...with our fellow humans.  We are to stay connected to Jesus, our Vine, but that is manifested through our connectedness to each other, our human family.  I thought about how much easier it seems for me to be connected to God, but that is not real or manifested if I am not connected to my earthly folks.  I can enjoy my Silent Sundays and time spent with just God.  But, somehow, that wonderful time needs to bear fruit with my neighbors or it just dies on the vine.  Silent Sunday must lead me into loving better on Monday and the entire rest of the week or I might as well spend the whole Sunday watching TV!  (Yikes!) Loving God is easy.  Reaching out to others is the harder part, for me anyway.  But loving our neighbors IS loving God. And loving God will help us love our neighbors.  Staying connected to our loving Vine will help us to love each other better!  Food for thought as we begin a spring work week!  Love, heidi