"Was it a good week or a bad week?"
Pray-As-You-Go, Examen for the End of the Week
One of my favorite prayer tools is this Examen from the folks at Pray-As-You-Go (link below). I think the guy's voice is so soothing, and there is that lovely British accent, so, yea, it's perfect! I really enjoy sitting in my prayer chair on a Saturday morning with a cup of coffee and a candle and prayerfully looking, with God, for God in the past week. Instead of just pronouncing the week good or bad, the object is to see God in all that happened through the week, with an emphasis on gratitude. Even if there were difficult elements to our week, the ability to see God through it all is a grace. And the ability to be grateful for even the difficulties is a real grace! So, this is the end of the week...I invite you to make yourself comfortable, with a beverage and a candle, click on the link and settle into looking into the past week with God. You will be so happy you did! Love, heidi
Examen for the end of the week