Thursday, April 16, 2015

All the time in the world...

"I don't have to wait in line to meet Jesus. I don't have to worry about others who are 'more important' and have better access to Jesus. No. The risen Lord Jesus speaking to Mary is now able to be present to me wherever I am."
The Little White Book
I absolutely love this today!  The reading talks about how the risen Jesus is no longer limited by time and space as when he walked the earth.  Now, the spirit of Jesus can be present with my spirit any time, any place.  This has been my experience in my life recently, too.  And I have had just that sensation that Jesus has all the time in the world for me.  It's not like I have just a few minutes and then Jesus needs to dash off again to someone else.  This reading pointed out to me that the beauty of the Risen Jesus is that he can be with me, fully present. Jesus has all the time in the world for me. And you. Isn't that lovely?  Love, heidi

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A name like no other...

"Jesus said to her, 'Mary!'"
John 20:16
In The Little White Book we are asked to imagine this scene with Jesus and Mary Magdalene at the tomb.  Mary does not recognize Jesus until he speaks her name with the familiarity she enjoyed as his dear friend for years.  The question is then asked of readers, "What name does Jesus call you?" It was wonderful to sit with this question and, I realized that Jesus has used a couple of names when beckoning me.  But it isn't so much just the name Jesus uses, but also the tenderness and love with which he says it and the accompanying arm around my shoulder or hand cupped gently under my chin.  These moments, names and actions stand out as highlights of my spiritual journey.  Some have occurred during the most difficult times of my life and some during the most peaceful.  But the message is that Jesus wants relationship with us.  He calls us by name, tenderly and lovingly.  His only desire is that we respond.  Love, heidi

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It ain't easy being breezy...

"Jesus said, 'The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sounds it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.'"
John 3:8
This reading reminds me to be a bit more breezy!  I know that having my future plan is very helpful for me now, but I want to be able to blow where God wills when the actual time comes.  I want to be free enough of my plan to go with God's plan if they ever diverge.  I really enjoy working towards something...I love a nice, straight road, clearly illuminated, with a vivid destination at the end. This focus has really been beneficial for me, as it got me through school and into a wonderful career. Now, looking ahead to other goals, I realize that God's plan may not always be that clear or straight. And the destination may be a bit murky out there at the end. I also realize God's plan may be so much fuller and richer than mine. Please, Loving God, don't ever let me be so stuck in my own plan that I miss yours!  Help me to be attentive, listening carefully to your still, small voice for my discernment.  Plant your desire for me deep into my heart and then guide me every step of the way!  Amen. Love, heidi

Monday, April 13, 2015

Peace be with you...

  "On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, 'Peace be with you.'"
John 20:19
 Yesterday, during a lovely silent time, I thought about what the Risen Christ shows and teaches us, here in our time.  With some help from a wonderful homily and Fr. James Martin's chapter "Risen" in Jesus: A Pilgrimage, I came up with some thoughts to share.  First, the Risen Christ meets us right where we are on our journeys, with exactly what we need to recognize and believe in him.  Sometimes, he calls us by name, like he did Mary Magdalene when she thought he was the gardener (John 20:16).  Or, like in yesterday's Gospel, Jesus is patient with us as we question and doubt, like Thomas who needed to see Jesus' wounds to believe (John 20:24-29). Jesus also gives us opportunities to repent, like he did with Peter on the beach.  For each of Peter's three denials, Jesus asks him, "Do you love me?" (John 21:15-19)  As we learned earlier last week, Jesus opens the scriptures for us and reveals himself to us in the "breaking of the bread," just as he did for the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). And finally, Jesus comes to offer us peace. As we quiver in fear behind locked doors of our own making, Jesus offers us true peace--his peace. (Luke 24:36-43). Easter didn't just happen two thousand years ago, Easter happens for us every time we see and recognize Jesus in our everyday lives.  Let's keep our eyes open today! Love, heidi