"Wisdom consists in doing the next thing you have to do, doing it with your whole heart, and finding delight in doing it."
Meister Eckhart, (as quoted on Pray-As-You-Go)
If that isn't just what I needed this morning! Much as the lesson of the labyrinth, I need to take this crazy time one step at a time. If I overthink everything, which I tend to do regularly, I will miss the beauty of NOW. And all my fretting and stewing about later won't do any good anyway. I waste time trying to figure out the Bigger Picture when it is not mine to figure out. Each day at school is still a mystery. Each time I walk into our little para quarters something is different, much like the tasks and events of the day. I arrive at noon, so that means there's been a whole morning of shenanigans before I get there! I laughed out loud when I walked in and saw my coworkers using a PE mat between their work spaces to cut down on the sound, as we are all on Google Meets, sometimes concurrently. If I sit and try to anticipate all the twists and turns of the labyrinthian day ahead, I'll work myself into a real lather. Instead, like, wise mystic Meister Eckhart says, I only need to do the very next thing with all my heart, and find delight doing it. I need to be pliable, open and willing to do that next thing. And, having that kind of breeziness about it all, will give me and everyone around me more delight! Blessings on your final August weekend! Love, heidi