"Prayers are but stepping-stones to silence, so don't linger too long on their words."
Fr. Ed Hays, "A Book of Wonders"
I pondered this a bit, in the silence, and realize that it is so true! We can come to God with a long list of prayers, intentions, praises, questions. But the silence that, hopefully, follows our list gives God a chance to respond. It takes time and patience to just sit in silence, however, especially for a talker and a do-er, like me! I can find a million other things to do; oh, did the dryer just go off? Do the dogs need water? That desk sure looks dusty! But, the most real thing I can do after bringing my prayers to God is to sit and listen. Ideally, my time of silence should be at least as long as the time I've spent praying my words. I'll say my piece, then it's God's turn. Let's not shirk the silence, today, Friends! Our prayers need to be followed by a time of silence, so God can answer! Love, heidi