"True faith is not merely an intellectual assent to doctrine. Rather, it is a process of growth in humility, trust, patience, surrender, forgiveness, and compassion...It is about being transformed into Jesus."
Sr. Melannie Svoboda, SND, "Living With Christ"
This was so wonderful (and necessary) for me to read and think about this morning! It isn't anything new, by any means, but it is so true. When we pray "increase our faith" we are praying that Jesus transforms us into himself. Jesus is always happy to do that, but we must be open and willing to be transformed. Jesus won't transform us against our will. We need to let go of our own "stuff" and sit at Jesus' feet, just like Mary in today's Gospel (Luke 10:38-42). That is, certainly, as Sr. Melannie says, a "process." It doesn't happen to us overnight. Today, as we embark on an autumn Tuesday, let's pray for Jesus to come into our lives and make himself at home in us. Let's take some quiet time and pray for Jesus to transform us and fill us with the humility, trust, patience, surrender, forgiveness and compassion that hallmark a life lived in him. Love, heidi