"'Simon, son of John, do you love me?' Simon Peter answered him, 'Yes Lord, you know that I love you.' He said to him, 'Tend my sheep.'"
John 21:16
And Jesus is asking us the same question this last Friday in May. "Heidi, daughter of Mickey and Rosie, do you love me?" Yes, Lord, you know I love you! My resounding Yes couldn't be more emphatic, really! And then Jesus gives me the recipe for showing my love--loving others. It's so much easier just to sit in the treehouse and love the squirrels and birds! Our relationships with Jesus aren't just between Jesus-n-us, though. The way we love Jesus back is by loving all who Jesus loves, which is everyone. Jesus loves those we would walk across the street to avoid. Jesus loves those who don't look like us, or believe the same creed we do. Jesus loves those of all races and sexual orientations. It's hard to emphasize enough that the walls we put up to keep others out are not the Jesus way. The closing in on ourselves to protect what we think is rightfully ours, is not the Jesus way. (MY job. MY healthcare. MY country. MY toilet paper!) I really don't know how we Christians got so far off course, thinking Jesus is only on our side; only likes our rituals, only likes the smell of our incense, only wants us to be prosperous. Jesus said to follow him we must love and care for everyone. Matthew 25:31-40 makes it as clear as the sunshine through my tree. We just had beautiful Memorial Day remembrances for all those who died for this country, and rightfully so. But I can't help but wonder if we treat the dead with much more love and respect than we treat the living? As a society, are we failing this Jesus quiz on the beach? Do you love me? Let's give it some thought and prayer. Love, heidi