Friday, November 22, 2013

Remembering President Kennedy

"Every American ought to have the right to be treated; as he would like to be treated, as one would wish to be treated, as one would wish his children to be treated."
John F. Kennedy

President Kennedy was not a saint, but he certainly is remembered on this day.  It seems like a lifetime ago that he was assassinated in Dallas.  Those of us old enough to remember can tell you just how we learned of the horror. The images are still burned into my mind.  (Lest anyone think I am much older than I really am, I was a very young, but impressionable, child!) What can we learn, these fifty years later, from the killing of President Kennedy?  Well, one thing is just what he says in this quotation:  Every human being has the right to be treated as one would wish his children to be treated.  If we can remember that today, we can be kinder, more forgiving, and a gentler society.  As I poured through many quotes, finding the one I wanted to use today, I came across one that made me laugh out loud.  Someone asked the newly inaugurated president how he liked his job and President Kennedy quipped, "Well, the pay is good and I can walk to work."  Let us honor his memory today by treating everyone we meet with kindness and peace, like we would want our children to be treated.  Blessings on your weekend! Love, heidi

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Food for thought

"The main course at every real feast is the loving affection, laughter, and telling of stories with those we share the meal.  At any feast, the food, whether meager or magnificent, is only secondary."
Fr. Ed Hays, "A Book of Wonders"
As we make our grocery lists for next week's Thanksgiving feast, let us remember this wise truth from Fr. Ed Hays.  It is not the actual food on the table that makes the feast a celebration, it is the people around the table that give it its true "feast-ness."  Let us remember that "Where two or three are gathered, there am I in their midst." (Matthew 18:20) Which reminds us to be sure and invite Jesus to our feast!  And, finally, let us also remember those who may not have the means or people with which to celebrate this feast day.  Can we contribute to a community celebration? Donate to the food bank? Help St. Vincent de Paul? Can we gather people around our tables that may be alone? How can we make our celebration more about the people than the food? "Food" for thought, right?  Love, heidi

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Save youselves! Oh, but you can't...

"For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost."
Luke 19:10
The Gospel today about Zacchaeus (didn't we have this not too long ago?) reminds us that Jesus chose to hang out with the people in the margins.  Jesus didn't hang out with the holy ones, but the people the holy ones had cast out--the sinners, tax collectors (like Zacchaeus), the marginal folks that the "good" people spurned.  Jesus says he came for the lost.  Aren't we all lost at some point or another? Don't we all go through times of confusion, despair, and frustration in our lives? Lucky us...Jesus came for us!  The sin of those who began to grumble that Jesus was dining with a tax collector, was not realizing their own "lost-ness." They thought they were doing it all correctly, therefore did not need a savior.  They mistakenly thought they could save themselves just by going through the motions of their religion.  People, like Zacchaeus, didn't feel as justified.  They were the ones who sought out Jesus to see what he had to offer.  Today, let's spend some time seeking Jesus to learn what he has for us.  We cannot justify ourselves, but Thanks-be-to-God, Jesus offers us his saving grace!  Love, heidi

Monday, November 18, 2013

$64,000 Question

"Jesus asked him, 'What do you want me to do for you?'"
Luke 18:41
The question Jesus asks the blind beggar in Jericho is a question I believe Jesus asks us every single day.  Each morning, as we begin our day, as we sit in prayer, Jesus asks us this question.  My answer has changed so much over the years that I really believe it is worthwhile to sit and journal with this question every six months or so, just to see where we are.  Many years ago my answer would have been something like, "Please take care of the kids..." A few years after that my answer may be something along the lines of, "Please help me have the resources I need to take care of myself."  More recently, as I grow on my spiritual journey, my answer is, "I want to be closer to you, Jesus! Please draw me closer!" The kids are fine, I have everything I need; now, all I want is Jesus.  Oh, don't get me wrong, there are times when my answer has more secular tones to it, but, blessedly, now, all I really want is to be closer to Jesus.  Let's take some time this week and sit with pen and paper and answer Jesus' question, "What do you want me to do for you?"  Love, heidi