Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nourish our souls...

"The soul craves experiences that offer it the rich depths of God."
Sue Monk Kidd, "When the Heart Waits"

This jumped out at me this morning as I read her list of suggestions: "Silence, solitude, holy leisure, simplicity, prayer, journaling..." Absolutely what I have found on my journey! Sue Monk Kidd points out that we cannot starve our souls, anymore than we can starve our bodies, without dire consequences. Our souls need nourishment and we get that nourishment by stepping out of our lives and drawing closer to God. We are coming to such a busy and hectic season, and, in the midst of that, we must take the time to nourish our souls. As Advent approaches, let's think, and maybe even jot down, how we will draw closer to God and feed our souls. Can we rise earlier in the morning and spend some time in silence? Can we make an effort to get to Adoration on Thursdays? Can we journal each day through this time; maybe a gratitude journal? Whatever we do, we need to take the time to nourish our souls, especially as we embark on this holy, yet busy season! Love, heidi

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