Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A change of heart...

"Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart..."
Joel 2:12

"A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me."
Psalm 51

If anything is rising to the surface in my mind about this Lent, it is the theme of changing my heart. Beginning yesterday with the reading about softening hearts, not just paying lip service to change, but actually softening my heart, seems to strike me as the focus of this Lent. I have seen God change my heart...many times, in fact. I would feel one way about something or someone, then suddenly, I feel differently. So I know that God can change my heart. But God doesn't just come in and change my heart uninvited. I have to seek that out myself. I need to invite God in to make the change. So, today is Ash Wednesday--ushering in a time for renewal, repentance, rejuvenation. Our season of Lent will feed us mightily if we open up and seek its nourishment. Let's invite God into our lives and hearts today, and invite a change. Let's turn to God with our whole hearts during this season of Lent. Our efforts will be rewarded one-hundredfold, as the sisters used to say! Blessings on your Ash Wednesday! Love, heidi

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