Monday, December 23, 2013

Come, already!

"We are always the 'stable' into which the Christ is born anew. All we can really do is keep our stable honest and humble, and the Christ will surely be born."
Fr. Richard Rohr, "Preparing for Christmas with Richard Rohr"
As it happens most every year, on the Fourth Sunday of Advent, I sat in church and thought, "Come, Already!"  I'm done with the waiting, the anticipating, the preparing.  Come! And be quick about it! After reading this, I can kind of see why this impatience has taken me over.  My stable is ready.  All it needs now is an occupant.  It seems like after the kids arrive I get caught up in all the fun and festivities and my Advent reading may get shoved to the end of the day, if done at all.  I hope to carve out a bit of time these next days to read and reflect and keep my stable tidy.  I hope you can all do the same!  For now, I wish you all the love of the Christ child and the happiest of Christmases!  Prepare your stable and then be prepared to open it eagerly to the treasured Guest who is coming! Love, heidi

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