Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The lessons of the women!

"If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured."
Mark 5:28
We were blessed to see a wonderful video presentation reflecting on this reading by Edwina Gateley at our recent Spiritual Direction class.  How I wish it was available for all to see! If you would like to check out her web page, I will include the link below.  Anyway, she spoke of the courage of the woman with the hemorrhage and how hard it must have been for her to leave her place of physical and social isolation to go out to Jesus that day. She was as "unclean" as you could get and going out into a crowd pressing in on Jesus that day would have been a major taboo. Not to mention her touching him or even his clothes!  But, her courage and her faith and, face it, her desire to be healed pushed her to do the unthinkable.  Do we ever want anything that much? Does our faith ever lead us to such drastic action? Another Gospel story comes to mind when I think about that.  The Gospel of the woman who wants Jesus to heal her daughter and, though initially rebuffed by Jesus, she persists (Mark 7:24-30).  Faith, courage, persistence.  What amazing gifts the stories of these women can give us! Love, heidi

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