"Beloved: See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are."
1 John 3:1
One of the classes I help with at school is learning about genotypes and phenotypes. As I am finding I need to do often, I asked a kid what they were all about and he explained it to me. Naturally, when I read this, this morning, I thought of the fact that God created us in God's image, we are God's children, so therefore, God's traits and qualities are already wired into us. God is love, therefore we have that in us too. We are made to love and made to reflect the qualities of God, just as a blue-eyed person carries that trait of a parent. We have a divine heritage, not a sinful one. We may not always act out of our divine heritage, but we are also human beings who sometimes act solely out of our own self interest and not always from our true selves. Our true selves are who we are in God. God's own little progeny; and we need to remember that! Whether we have hazel eyes from our mother, or brown curly hair from our father, we know that we have a nature of love within us from our Divine Parent. Once we tap into that love and share it with everyone, the world will be a better place! Love, heidi
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