"What are you looking for?"
John 1:38
As we grow older, and, perhaps more reflective, we can sense Jesus asking us this question too. We have reached some of life's goals, we have raised families, we have done what we felt called to do. Now what are we looking for? Ponderous, isn't it? No wonder older people seem wise! Maybe we've been too busy doing all the other stuff to sit for long stretches of time in silence. Maybe we are too stir crazy to think too deeply and come up with an answer to Jesus' question. But there is no time like the present to give it a think. What are we looking for? The old hymn "Just a Closer Walk with Thee" pops into my mind when I think on this question. I always seem to desire to be closer to Jesus, though Jesus living right in my heart should be close already, right? The problem is that I tend to fall back on the idea that God is out there, somewhere, not in here, in my heart. I can sit and hear Jesus say to me, "What are you looking for? It's right inside your heart, right now. Always. Sit still and go there." I think that is the gift of contemplation...sitting and finding, both what we're looking for and where it is. Blessings on the first weekend of the new year! Love, heidi
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