Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Go outside!

"All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth. We did not weave the web of life, we are merely strands in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves."
Chief Seattle, Duwanish tribe, Oregon Territory

Never did I feel as close to nature as I did on retreat this past June.  Since it was a silent retreat and I wasn't there to commune with humans, I spent my time outside with a whole new flock of friends.  I sat for hours, watching squirrels, bunnies and birds.  I drew pictures of the spiders in the gazebo.  A couple of busy rabbits distracted me from my labyrinth prayers, but were a lovely distraction!  I gained a new appreciation for bugs and critters that has carried over since I returned home.  We are all inner connected to nature and responsible to each other--be we man or other mammal, insect or bird. During my hours of silently observing nature, I felt as though I was watching glimpses of God; a magical, mystical reality show.  "All this was going on all the time?" I wondered.  I just hadn't taken the time to tune in.  But I do now.  Today, let's stop and look around.  Summer is fleeting, time's slipping away.  Get outside and watch God's reality show.  Love, heidi

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