Friday, August 5, 2011

Old plant, new pot

Dear Friends, I must tell you the story of an old plant.  This plant was in my office long before I was, which makes it over ten years old.  It always looked rather feeble, never getting any new leaves. It just sort of sat there,  drooping to one side and taking up space.  I finally brought it home and planted it into a new, bigger pot.  Soon after being replanted, new leaves began to appear and it has continuously grown new leaves, one after the other.  The moral of the story is this: sometimes you need to be replanted in a new pot to grow.  Change can be good.  Sometimes we get so complacent and stale, we need a new environment to grow! Whether it is a permanent change, a weekend get-away, or a hike in the woods for an afternoon, take some time to get away from your day to day life.  You'll never know what new leaves will result! Blessings on your weekend! Love, heidi

1 comment:

  1. This is soo true. . there are several plants in my apt. that would agree with you :)

    And sometimes when I re-pot them. . they grow flowers!! and totally surprise me as I had no idea they could do that.

