Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Twelve bags full...

"So they collected them, and filled twelve wicker baskets with the fragments from five barley loaves that had been more than they could eat."
John 6:13

Whenever I hear this reading, as I did Sunday, I think of the leftovers. Probably because I heard a homily one time about "Why so many leftovers?" The priest pointed out that wouldn't it be a more perfect miracle if there was JUST enough food for everyone? What was the point of the twelve baskets of leftovers? The answer was simple and stuck with me these many years later. God is extravagant. God is over-indulgent. God wants to show love to us over-abundantly. It was pointed out to us Sunday that the number twelve was significant to the Jewish people, meaning complete, fulfilled. But, numbers, meh! I was and still am fascinated by the over-indulgence of God. And I observed how I experience it. We went to the Boise Saturday market and it was so completely huge and vast for me. My head was spinning with all the amazing things people were selling on the magnificent summer morning. The people were so fun to watch that I tripped and stumbled over anything on the ground because I was so overwhelmed by watching the people. It was such a vast feast for me to watch I felt overstimulated! It was SO much! It was twelve full baskets of leftovers, to be sure...and then some. In our lives God is constantly over-indulging us with love and goodness! Let's get out there and revel in it today! Love, heidi

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