Tuesday, January 29, 2013

God, running toward us!

"I waited, waited for the Lord; who bent down and heard my cry...set my feet upon rock, steadied my steps, and put a new song in my mouth."
Psalm 40:2-4

I love this today because it shows our loving God bending down to hear us. It is such a misconception to think of God as illusive, aloof, disinterested in the shadow side of us. Our God loves us, shadows and all! Jesus gave us the perfect image of God, when he told the Prodigal Son story. Our God is the Father who runs down the road to welcome the wayward child. Our God meets us more-than-halfway if we but turn our face toward the Divine. St. Teresa gave us the image of the tiny child painstakingly climbing the tall, difficult stairway toward God, only to see God racing down the steps to scoop her up and carry her the rest of the way. Our God is not a cold, hard God who keeps a tally of our demerits and loves us only when we tow the line. Our God bends to hear our cry, helps us to our feet and gives us a song to sing. And isn't THAT something to celebrate on a snowy, winter Tuesday? Love, heidi

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