Thursday, January 17, 2013

Your last day...

"Encourage yourselves daily while it is still 'today'"...
Hebrews 3:13

It is still "today..." What if we only had today? How would we live our life if today was all we had? It  sounds kind of morbid, doesn't it? But, in reality, who knows how long we have? Would we live differently if we knew that this was to be our last day? I can tell you one thing, I probably wouldn't tear up the road to get to the office exactly on time! I probably wouldn't eat as healthy a lunch as I usually try to do. The "Brownie Delight Sundae" at Baskin Robbins would be my lunch...with hot fudge. I would want to spend some time calling the people I love to tell them that. That I love them. I would maybe even take extra care with the people I see daily, just because I will feel sad not to be seeing them again. I would tidy up my place; take out the garbage, so it wouldn't smell. I would vacuum myself out the door. But, what REALLY would I do differently? In reality, not much. I would try to be aware, really aware of those around me. I would feel a bit melancholy about missing those I love. But I would go about my day, much the same as I did yesterday, only more aware. I love my life...I love those in my everyday days are beautiful and special to me and I wouldn't change much...except maybe what I have for lunch! Love, heidi

1 comment:

  1. Wow - this really sets a person thinking. How would I spend it? I would want to let my family know how much I love them. How precious they are to me in every way. I would want the kids I work with to know that I think they are awesome. I would want love to radiate out of my pores so that the people I know would feel a difference when I walked into the room. And I would join you for the brownie sundae and I would have chopped peanuts on top.
