Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Free from ourselves!

"If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
John 8:31-32

Free from what? That is the interesting question I asked myself when I read this today. From what do I need to be set free? What ties me up? The answer I keep coming back to is fear. Fear can really bind us up, can't it? We get fearful of the future: will I have enough retirement? Will I be ailing in my old age? We can be fearful of the present: are my kids on the right path? Am I doing everything "right"? We can even get tangled up in the past: was that past sin really forgiven? Good grief! So much wallowing in ourselves is the real ball and chain here, isn't it? We can barely move, we are so bound up in ourselves! So the freedom that Jesus gives us is to trust that God loves us and God is with us constantly. We can let go of ourselves and think about someone else for a change. It is not about what I do, but about what God can do, if I just get out of the way. And that is a lovely sense of freedom! Love, heidi

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