Monday, March 18, 2013

Prayer of the Nailing

"Whenever you are called to let go of control over your life situation, pray the silent Prayer of the Nailing: Simply open the palms of your hands, exposing yourself to whatever is about to happen and trusting in God's providential care."
Fr. Ed Hays, "The Pilgrimage Way of the Cross"

We may, with all good intentions, want to let go of a situation or an issue, but in our humanness, find ourselves clinging to it like a buoy in a raging sea. And that may work so against us! Clinging to bitterness or guilt or fear over a past mistake or a future event keeps us stuck in the mud...we can't move forward. I love the image of Jesus opening his hands to accept his fate. You can't cling to something with open hands. Open hands leave you very vulnerable. But open hands mean you are trusting and willing, too. Today, let's think of a control issue we may need to let go. First, let's clench our fists together, symbolizing the tight grip we may have on our issue and thus, how we are not allowing God into the situation. Next, slowly open our hands, palms up, to reveal our willingness to let it go, let it fly out of our control and into God's. Let us pray for a total release of the issue and thank God that we have been set free, once and for all! Love, heidi

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