Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Happy to let God lead...

"It is the Lord who marches before you and will never fail you or forsake you. so do not fear or be dismayed."
Deuteronomy 31:8

I remember learning the Exodus story as a kid and thinking it was pretty unfair that Moses didn't get to go into the Promised Land with the Israelites when the time came.  But I read it today with different eyes.  Moses seems perfectly content to let the people go into the Land of Milk and Honey with Joshua.  Moses was old and tired.  He had wandered with these cantankerous people for forty years.  He was done and probably glad to turn them over to someone else.  But, more importantly, Moses knew that God would continue to lead them and that was who they needed now.  The people looked to Moses, but Moses knew God was behind every saving action that had occurred for forty years.  He was just the middle man.  This verse applies to us in our comings and goings too.  I don't know how many times I have ventured into a challenging situation and prayed, "Please help me with this one...it may be over my head!"  So, today, if a situation or challenging circumstance arises, remember what Moses tells the Israelites, "It is the Lord who marches before you and will never fail or forsake you..."  Blessings on your day! Love, heidi

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