"Jesus took Peter, John and James and went up a mountain to pray, While he was praying his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white..."
Luke 9:28
Have you ever wondered how easy it would be to have walked with Jesus? You get to be right there for the food miracles, the healings, the Transfiguration? Wouldn't your faith be rock solid if you could witness all these events like the apostles did? Imagine being Peter, James and John--seeing Jesus transfigured right there, and watching him visit with Moses and Elijah! Talk about faith-promoting! But, as Jesus says in John 20:29: "Blessed are those who have NOT seen and have believed!" Jesus knows that seeing is believing...that's easy faith. But, trudging through the hard stuff, feeling alone and abandoned; that is dicier. And Jesus knows how that feels, too. Think of Jesus calling out from the cross, feeling so abandoned. Come to think of it, a couple of these same guys who witnessed the Transfiguration abandoned Jesus at the time of his cross. Of these three, only John was noted to be there, at the foot of the cross, as Jesus suffered and died. Where were Peter and James? Their rock-solid faith had crumbled and they fled. Seeing didn't necessarily give them the faith they needed during that time of difficulty. Lord, please help me believe through the hard stuff! I can see you so clearly during the good times, but the times of difficulty, I tend to miss you! Love, heidi
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