Monday, December 30, 2013

An Advent gift

"And be thankful."
Colossians 3:15
I can finally share my most precious Advent blessing, now that the gift has been given!  My dear friend Nancy suggested I make a tee shirt quilt for daughter Sam...out of all the old tee shirts she left behind.  There was a drawer-full of tee shirts from blind camp, deanery camp, even from working at Kohl's those many years.  There were plenty of tee shirts that had never made it to Boise in four years.  They were basically discarded in the drawer.  Nancy was patient and generous with her help, since I don't sew and knew nothing of how to turn these rejected shirts into something precious.  And I truly believe God helped too.  Whenever I messed up a shirt and needed another one, there was another in the drawer!  The result was a quilt and Sam said she remembered each shirt, each event, or time in her life. How fun!  The lesson for me, throughout Advent and the time spent working on this quilt was this:  Nothing is discarded by God.  No matter what, God can turn anything, seemingly unwanted, into something lovely.  And second, God uses our human hands to do it.  No matter how unskilled we are--God still uses our inept hands to make something beautiful out of something discarded. There are no rejects in God's world...we all have the potential and the ability to love and be loved.  Isn't that a magnificent Advent gift?  Blessings on your continued Christmas celebration! Love, heidi


  1. H. this sounds wonderful!! I know Sam will treasure it. Not because of the shirts themselves although they have meaning but because of the time and love you put into it. You are awesome!!!

  2. Thanks, Robin! She sure seemed to love it!

  3. Somehow I missed the picture before. This is GREAT! You did a super job and should be really pleased.
