Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A culture of life and love...

"Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?"
Mark 3:4
We see in today's Gospel, Jesus healing the man with a withered hand on the Sabbath.  His actions are lost completely on those who are trying to trap him...they only see that he broke the law of the Sabbath, not his compassion and love for the man.  While thinking about this today, I see hope.  Hope for all of us who are troubled by the toss-away culture we live in.  I see hope that, one day, every child will be welcomed and rejoiced over.  Every old person will be revered and cared for.  Every person on death row or incarcerated will be allowed to live to seek forgiveness. Every mentally ill person will be treated with dignity.  Every person on earth will be nurtured, loved and allowed to blossom and thrive.  This is the culture that God wants for us in this world God made for us...a culture of life and love.  How can we work to help this come about?  Love, heidi

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