"Jesus, your name has been on my lips since I was a young and innocent child. Now these many years since first we met I understand you are more than a name. To know you is to allow your teachings to reach into the core of my daily life, to have your vision be the vital substance of what truly guides and rules how I live. How easy to bend the knee to your name but how difficult it is to bend the heart."
Sr. Joyce Rupp, "Fragments of Your Ancient Name"
If I had a fraction of Sr. Joyce's gifts and abilities, I could have written the reflection above, for I feel so much the same way. It is so much easier to know who Jesus is than to live like Jesus! Knowing Jesus must show in our actions, not merely our words. Even the demons in scripture knew who Jesus was--they often identified him. But, living like Jesus, changing our daily behavior to reflect Jesus, now, that is a whole new ballgame. Lord, I know you and love you...that's the easy part. Please help me to show it! Love, heidi
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