Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Rend your hearts...

"Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God."
Joel 2:13
Blessings to all on Ash Wednesday!  I love this reading because it is such a good reminder that, no matter if we perform the most austere Lenten practice, if we don't offer our hearts to God, it is all for naught.  Our hearts must change, not just our habits, diets, deeds.  The purpose of Lent is to draw our hearts closer to God and allow God to change them.  "A clean heart create in me, O God..." we respond in Psalm 51. It's about our hearts, this Lent. God will help us change them. Let's return to God and offer our hearts for the changing.  Let's be open to the many times a day God offers us a chance to love someone and respond to them with compassion.  Is there someone we need to forgive or ask forgiveness? Is there someone we are not on good terms? Offering our hearts to God means loving God's people better.  It's Lent.  Let's try.  Love, heidi

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