Friday, June 20, 2014

Jesus is my treasure!

"Where your treasure is there also will your heart be."
Matthew 6:21
Not a day goes by that I don't see an article about saving for retirement.  According to Conventional Wisdom you need an absolute TON of money set aside before even thinking about retirement.  But I can't do that.  I feel drawn to be a little more care-free when planning the next step in my life.  And people think that's crazy.  Maybe it is.  I feel called to live more humbly, simply and charitably, and yet, I see stuff piled up in my crawl space that, for some reason, seems important to keep.  Why?  I see needs of people in our community who are struggling.  And yet, I sometimes struggle parting with a donation.  I just want enough! But how much is "enough?" Lord, this one is so hard for me to grasp.  Please help me and guide me to your will for getting a balance between what I actually need, what I can give to others and what I can save for the future.  Help me to trust in your will for my future that my heart will be filled with your treasure and not an illusion of my own treasure.  My real treasure is YOU, Jesus!  Love, heidi

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