Thursday, June 19, 2014


"Your Father knows what you need before you ask him."
Matthew 6:8
Then why ask? Why did Jesus often ask those he healed what they wanted when it would seem so obvious? Why would Jesus whirl around to see who touched his cloak when he felt the healing power go out of him? I think the answer is relationship. God wants a relationship with us.  What do we do when we are in relationship with someone? We talk to each other.  One of the most moving chapters in James Martin's book, "Jesus: A Pilgrimage" is Gethsemane.  Jesus pours his heart out to the Father. He prays honestly and rather bluntly, showing us how to be in relationship with the Father.  God certainly knew Jesus' heart and Jesus wouldn't have had to say anything.  But he did.  And he shows us how.  After Jesus' heartfelt prayer, he was ready to face what was ahead.  That works for us, too.  Love, heidi

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