Monday, January 26, 2015

Jesus IN me...

"How beautiful it is to do nothing, then to rest afterwards."
Spanish Proverb
I have a refrigerator magnet with this on it and I love it! In our busy lives do we ever take the time to do nothing and then to rest afterwards? We are so busy we ever take the time to just "be;" be with God? Jesus modeled for us going off alone to pray. His was a busy ministry of traveling, meeting, healing, tending the flock, and yet, he took time away from others to pray.  It fueled him for the next task at hand. As part of our Spiritual Director's training, we take monthly Silent Days, where we unplug and spend time with just God. It certainly isn't doing "nothing," as in the proverb, but is spending time just being with Jesus.  One of the more valuable fruits I've learned is that, while it may be Jesus-AND-me during that day, the point of it leads to Jesus-IN-me, to go out and do Jesus' work in the world.  After Jesus finishes his prayer time alone, he goes back to the crowds who need him.  And that, my Friends, is a Monday.  Love, heidi

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