"Being a Christian isn't just following the commandments, but means being in Christ, thinking like him, acting like him, loving like him; it means letting him take possession of our lives and change them, transform them, free them from the darkness of evil and sin."
~Pope Francis, as quoted in "Living With Christ"
I think the main lesson for me in this second half of life is that of transformation--from the inside out. Everything I read and study is about transformation--losing the false, small self and allowing God to transform me into my True Self (Fr. Richard Rohr). Pope Francis gives the entire lesson in one sentence, one that we could spend a week just praying with and pondering. Becoming a full Christian isn't following rules, believing in dogmas, going to church on Sundays. Becoming a full, vibrant Christian is allowing Jesus to transform our lives to live as he lived...with love and compassion for others. It isn't just God and us or Others and us. It is a trinity of God, others and us. We can't be Christians in a vacuum, but we need each other to become fully alive in Christ. Jesus showed that so clearly in his relationships. Today, as we begin a May Thursday, let's think about how our interactions with others can reflect our life in Jesus. Are we loving like Jesus? Love, heidi
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