Friday, April 27, 2018

Dwelling places...

"In my Father's house there are many dwelling places."
John 14:2

Pray-As-You-Go had a lovely little Lectio Divina prayer with this Gospel this morning and it was wonderful for me. Maybe it would be worthwhile for you to try this spring weekend! First read the Gospel (or you can listen to it, link below) Think about the words that jump out and capture your imagination in the reading. For me, the words "dwelling places" jumped out, probably because I'm wound up about my dwelling places right now. I'm selling one and am needing one in my new place when I move, so dwelling places are on top of my fret list! Then, PAYG asks that you pray with the words that jumped out for a little while and imagine those are the words Jesus is saying to you today. A bit later in the reading Jesus tells his apostles, "I am the way, the truth and the life." (v. 6)  In my prayer, I heard Jesus say to me, "I am your dwelling place, heidi-dear. Live in me. Rest in me." Seriously, a wave of calm came over me in hearing that!  I invite you to try this with any Gospel, but this one sure gave me exactly what I need today.  Blessings on your spring weekend! Love, heidi

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