Friday, July 22, 2011

Called by name...

"Jesus said to her, 'Mary!'"
John 20:16

Mary Magdalene was weeping at the tomb when a stranger asked her why she is crying.  She begins an explanation, not realizing that the stranger was actually Jesus...until he calls her name.  Think about your name.  You have had it all your life, and have heard it from many different voices.  I remember, as a little girl, playing in our neighborhood.  When the sound of "Hei DI!" rang out through the air waves, I went home, runnin'! The unmistakable sound of my name, hollered by my mom, got immediate results! When I was in trouble, she went for the whole thing--"Heidi Ann Gai-NAN!" My feet had wings then! I still can hear my Irish teachers saying my name, "Heidi-dear"...all one word. Think of the sound of your name from the lips of your spouse; tender and loving.  Think of hearing your name in a doctor's waiting room, as you nervously prepare to hear difficult news.  Your name is unique as said by humans in many situations.  Now, imagine your name on Jesus' lips.  Your name spoken by the One who loves more than we can ever imagine.  Close your eyes and listen to that's the most magnificent thing you'll ever hear.  Love, heidi

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