Thursday, June 14, 2012

Getting somewhere by being still...

"All spiritual growth is fraught with mystery. No matter how hard we try, we cannot push and shove our way into union with the Holy One."
Sr. Joyce Rupp, "Prayer"

I'm learning that there is so much waiting patiently as I grow closer to God! I have such an urge to control the process, to hasten it along, to make it all about ME...and that is so not it. Growing spiritually is about being ready to receive and being awed by the process, not so much the end result. What is the end result, anyway? How do we know we have "arrived" at the end? What does spiritual success look like? We all know spiritual people who seem to be so close to God and have what we want to have. But do they really? After Mother Teresa died, it was discovered that she struggled in her faith, just like the rest of us, and yet, she is one of our spiritual powerhouses. Our spiritual journey never comes to completion here on this planet. And, it is sometimes only in looking backward we can see growth. We need to "be still and know that I am God" and have our hands open to receive. Love, heidi

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