Monday, June 11, 2012


"In prayer, we bring ourselves to the entryway of our relationship with the Holy One, but it is God, 'who is able to accomplish far more than we can ask or imagine.' (Ephesians 3:20)"
Sr. Joyce Rupp, "Prayer"

Growing up as a cradle Catholic, I cut my teeth on the words "prayer" and "grace." I knew the Baltimore Catechism definitions for both, but they sure seemed mysterious and vague to me. I knew what they were, but had no idea what they WERE, if you know what I mean. I'm learning, gradually on my journey, what they mean, and it is extremely enlightening! Prayer forms have passed through my life in waves. For a while, I did this type of prayer, for another period of time I did that type of prayer. But, always, as long as I can remember, I have talked to God. I can remember specific times, as a kid, talking to God. I remember feeling a Presence, too; I wasn't just talking to thin air! There was Someone there I felt I could just spill my heart to, and I did! Such a gift, that. Now, as a grown up, I am growing back to that time when I talked to God as a child. Prayer is a relationship, not just a conversation. Prayer is being open and welcoming, not always coming with an agenda. Prayer is being willing to accept any answer, not just what I think I want or need. Prayer is not about what I do, but what God does with me. Love, heidi

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