Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I'm ready!

"I'm ready for my presents!"
Miss Piggy, "All I Need Is Love"
I was praying in the church before the beginning of the parish mission last night. This line from Miss Piggy came from a song off a new Christmas album I got...Ceelo Green sings this song with the Muppets, and Miss Piggy is singing in the background, "I'm ready for my presents!" My version, during my prayer, was the same only spelled differently. "I'm ready for my P-r-e-s-e-n-c-e!" I prayed. The mission was amazing and wonderful and I can hardly wait to return tonight. One of the most powerful things I learned from Fr. Patrick Foley was that God frees us through unconditional love and wants us to love others into freedom, too. Such a wonderful message as we begin Advent! The love that God gives us is not based on what we do, but because of who we are--God's precious children. God asks that we love others the same way, unconditionally and giving them the freedom to be their best selves. We may not agree with them on everything, and that is OK. But loving others is what God asks us to do, and that doesn't mean loving them for what they can do for us or expecting them to earn our love. As we are loved freely by God, we are asked to love others. And that is a beautiful mission. Love, heidi

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