Sunday, December 16, 2012

Our God weeps...

"Our country is grieving. Each child who has been slaughtered belongs to each of us and each slain adult is a member of our family. It is impossible to explain the horror to ourselves and to our survivors. We need to hold each other’s hands and look into each other’s eyes and say, 'I am sorry.'"
Maya Angelou

There are no words that can adequately describe how we, as a country, feel about the tragedy in Connecticut. We are a family, the family of God, and our family members have been killed senselessly. We know our compassionate God weeps with us and for us. There is no vessel that could hold all the tears. Our response to this tragedy can be prayer for all involved and an increase in compassion for all who we encounter on our journey. Life is fleeting and so fragile. Dear God, please hold the suffering in your arms. Love, heidi

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